Congratulations to Danika and Diamanda. The following is taken from Equestrian Canada, Dressage Quarterly – June 2018
First Level – Athlete and Horse of the Year awarded to Danika Guertin-Pierson and Diamanda I started riding at 5 or 6. My mom Shirley Guertin has a riding school – Centaur Riding School – so I was raised in that environment. When I was very little I surprised my mom one day when she asked me to do a leg yield for the first time and I already knew how – one of the junior coaches had shown me how when she was carrying me piggy back. I was very fortunate starting out as there was a good choice of school horses to teach me. And I started competing in Centaur’s TGIF series in leadline classes, and continued from there. Our riding school teaches dressage, so it has always been part of my life. I always showed in the local dressage/ hunter/ jumper shows growing up. But I started competing more seriously in dressage in 2010 with my mare Velvet.
The elegance attracted me to dressage. I have been surrounded by talented and knowledgeable riders and horsewomen– my mom and my sister, Gen – which gave me the best introduction possible to dressage. One of my most memorable moments was getting a perfect ‘10’ from Cara Whitham. Diamanda, AKA Mandy, is Centaur’s miracle baby. She was almost never born. Her dam Lucy ended up at a vet hospital in December 2009, and it was suggested that she be euthanized due to dental complications. Since our horse trailer had been left at the hospital, three hours away, it was decided to hold off on euthanizing until we all saw her one last time. But instead we brought Lucy back home, babied her, fed her lots of ‘soups’, made her well again. She was re-bred to our stallion Don Rico, and one year later Mandy was born. Had we not left our trailer at the hospital, Mandy would never have been born! I’m looking forward to see how far Mandy and I can go. I also love bringing along the other younger breeding farm horses which grow up at our farm. – Danika Guertin-Pierson
Centaur Breeding Farm was also awarded the Made in Canada award for First Level
Danika & Mandy 2011
Danika & Mandy 2017
Congratulations Centaur Breeding Farm