Inspections: Stallions
Stallions licensed or approved with other Sport Horse /Warmblood registries may be eligible for licensing/approval on a Sight Unseen basis. Please contact the office to confirm eligibility.
The Canadian Sport Horse Association has been inspecting horses for breed improvement since its incorporation in 1933. Canadian Sport Horse breeders, through the use of Thoroughbreds and warmbloods from other sport horse registries, along with established Canadian Sport Horse lines, strive to produce sound, sensible, athletic performers. Horses should be of sport horse type; defined as a horse that is built to succeed in the hunter, jumper, dressage or eventing disciplines. They are preferably between 16.0 and 17.0 hands high at maturity with a minimum of 8” cannon bone circumference and 72” heart girth. Smaller horses will be considered if other attributes are above average; eg: movement, quality, substance or verifiable performance record. Qualities looked for are good body depth and substance and a well-defined head with large, expressive eyes. Joints should be strong and clean with knees and hocks low to the ground and pasterns well angled with appropriate length. The neck should be well set on with suitable length, withers well defined with a long, sloping shoulder and a smooth, strong top-line. Hindquarters should be strong and well rounded and able to provide balance and impulsion. The movement in all gaits is very important and should be sequentially correct, straight, balanced, ground covering and have impulsion. Rounding out the ideal sport horse stallion is a horse with good character, pride, intelligence, courage and a masculine, athletic presence that leaves a good impression on the observer.
In cases where a question may arise regarding the presence of a heritable unsoundness, an independent veterinary examination may be requested, at the owner’s expense.
- Stallions must be at least 2 years of age at time of inspection
- Tack – plain bridle with a snaffle bit and reins that are easily detachable.
- Grooming – horses should be presented in “good condition”, braiding is recommended and feet should be recently trimmed.
- Measurements of height at withers, heart girth and cannon bone are recorded. Teeth, eyes, feet and joints will be closely examined. Colour and markings are verified.
- Presentation of horses in hand. Horses are evaluated on conformation and movement. The handler will present the mare to the panel for conformation assessment. The handler will be asked to walk and then trot the horse clockwise around the perimeter of the triangle. This should be practiced prior to the inspection in order that the horse leads properly and moves forward freely and straight. The handler will then be asked to detach the reins so that horse can be presented at liberty. Strength of movement in all gaits will be evaluated at liberty.
- Free jumping exercise. Details of format and evaluation points will be provided in advance of the inspection.
- The horse must not be given any drugs whatsoever (including Bute) before or during inspection. If tranquilizers are required for shipping, the animal must arrive early enough for the drug to wear off by inspection time.
- 3, 4 & 5-year-olds: Completion of Phase II Performance Requirements due by December 31st of the six-year-old year.
- 6 years old and older: Completion of Phase II Performance Requirements are due by December 31st of the year following inspection.
Submit Stallion Nomination form – 30 days prior to inspection date to National Office to confirm stallion eligibility to be presented. Once accepted, the following must be received at the National Office 21 days prior to inspection date.
Stallion Nomination Application SH
Stallion Nomination Application SP_2022
- Inspection and Membership Applications
Stallion Inspection Application SH
Stallion Inspection Application SP_2022 - Photocopy of registration paper (breed of origin) showing four generations of pedigree & including proof of ownership
- Veterinary Exam
Stallion Veterinary Exam SH
Stallion Veterinary Exam SP_2022 - A completed DNA test form; the hair sample will be taken by inspection personnel during the inspection process. If the horse already has DNA results (external), a copy of the results must accompany the Inspection Application.
DNA WFFS form_2022 - Applicable Fees; once a stallion is presented for inspection, inspection and membership fees are non-refundable.
2025 Membership New & Renewal
2025 Fee Schedule
Registration of existing offspring of stallions receiving approval can be made at the “foal rate” if the application for offspring’s registration is made within 30 days of date of inspection.
Stallions will be considered for approval provided they have permanent breeding approval (based on conformation and performance testing/results) with an accepted registry. Stallions approved ‘Sight Unseen’ on the merit of their stallion performance test receive a ‘Bronze’ status. Application for a premium up grade may be made with proof of completing required criteria.
Stallion Sight Unseen Approval Application SH
Sight Unseen Application – Stallion_SP_2022